Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Neo Genesis Vol.23 - Ruki Interview Part 2 : Love

- There are a lot of questions I have to ask you concerning love, so yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

I think my answers might be different from before. So I'll get criticized for being inconsistent (laugh)

- Then let's accept that and get going!

Come on!

- (laugh) First, do you think love and people's blood types have anything to do with each other?

(Firmly) I do. I don't know which types go together well, though. But I do know that I'm a B type, so I go well with O type girls. Because O type girls seem to all have things in common.

- Like what?

Deep jealousy. But not a lot of them are silently jealous.

- So they scream?

Yeah. There are a lot of people who keep screaming and have heavy jealousy. They're also very grounded.

- What do you mean grounded?

It's hard to get them worked up but then hard to get them disinterested.

- So that's called grounded, huh.

It's like they'll keep going even to the bottom of hell.

- Are O types really like that...?

Of course you can't say that for everyone, but if they have a little bit of A blood mixed in, there are a lot of people like that.

- So you're compatible with people like that?

Well, there's just a better chance with O types. But the breaking up would be even more dangerous.

- What kind of relationship would that be (laugh)

It's the most dangerous. O types and B types go well together, but for me who's a B type, it's easy for me to lose interest in O type girls.

- But it's also easy for you to fall in love, right?

Yes....Ah~ But even if it's not with an O type I easily lose interest.

- Doesn't that mean you're just a guy who loses interest easily (laugh). So, what about two B types together?

It won't work. It would be difficult because neither of us would give in. But A types are the most hopeless.

- There are a lot of A type girls who say they don't like B type guys as well.

If I was told that, I would want to give them a body blow (laugh)

- What about AB types?

Out of the question.

- (bursts out laughing)

But I've gone out with different types of people. O types as well as A, B, and AB.

- It's like you're a department store (laugh). Then, the next question. What part of a girl do you look at first?

Honestly, the face. First I look at her face, but what I think is most important is if she's family-oriented.

- You can tell that by looking?

No. If she looks at a cookbook and says "I can't do this you know?", so she can't cook but in a kind of cute way, that's fine. But if she still makes it, like "Of course I can", that's a body blow. Though I would never say it tasted bad. Also, it's important whether or not she can cook a diet menu. And if she can take care of me if I get sick.

- Sympathetic, huh

Yes....I think I just now started wanting kindness like that.

- You didn't before?

Before now I thought that if she's cute I'll forgive anything, but that might be wrong.

- That's still pretty harsh, though

I'll get turned off by one face they make while sleeping, or kissing. Of course I know there's no helping it because they're human, but I don't like it if they have a bad sleeping position. If I could pick, I would want them to sleep curled up in a little ball.

- Even more conditions, huh.

Also, if she wears the same clothes as me two times in one week, that won't work.

- So you would want her to pick up on that, then.

Also, a girl who goes out without makeup on. If we went out together after that, wouldn't it cause trouble.

- (laugh) But for most of these things, other than face and clothes, you won't know unless you go out first.

No, no, no. Of course not.

- Eh, what do you mean? You won't know unless you try, right?

No, I wouldn't try first or anything. Though there are times when I have.

- (laugh) !

Well, I'm an adult already, but there are times when love starts that way. But what I was just talking about isn't all that important. What's most important is if they have a dream or not. I think that I really do like people who are working hard toward something.

- You finally got serious, huh.

What I've disliked the most so far is a girl who takes off work for me.

- Yes, that isn't good. Reversely, I would also hate it if my boyfriend took off work for me.

You would, right? Since work is work, I would want them to be aware of that. And a girl who sleeps in would really irritate me.

- Though it seems like the manager is the one getting irritated over there?

Well, yeah, I also sleep in (bitter laugh). But wouldn't it be weird if I was the one waking her up? Like, "Ne~ Don't you need to go to work--"

- I wouldn't want to see Ruki like that (laugh) But I guess it's just that whoever goes out with you is going to have it tough.

Because I'm still in the middle of looking for love.

- Have you ever fallen in love with two people at the same time?

If you read my lyrics I think you'll understand, but there are a lot of people who cheat, right? Because I'm not writing stuff I made up.

- Heh! So it has happened.

But it's impossible for me to love two people at once. If I have a girlfriend, but started being interested in someone else, I would just go that way.

- That's not cheating, it's just a change of heart isn't it.

Yes. So it's not loving two people at once or cheating. It's cut in, cut out.

- I see. But aren't there a lot of guys who carry their past loves with them?

No, I don't do that. I might carry around a past unrequited love, but I quickly forget about past relationships.

- Have you ever thought, "That was a great relationship" or anything?

I have....do you want to hear?

- Please tell me.

My high school girlfriend and I broke up because I cheated.

- ..........?

Damn, I have cheated!

- (laugh) !

Then once I lost her I understood. Like, "Ahh, that was a great girl".

- So you're not carrying it around, it just remains as a beautiful memory.

That's right. There are a few times when I've realized, "Now that I think about it, that was a great person". So that would be telling a lie when you break up.

- "GENTLE LIE", huh.

Yes. The last message I got from her said, "I was really happy when we were together. Thank you." I was like, "Nooo, you're totally pissed off, right?"

- (laugh) But I don't think getting angry would mean that she hated you.

I guess that's true...

- Then, what would you do if you and your friend both liked the same person?

It's never happened, but if it did, I would ask my friend if he liked her or not. Then if he said he did, I would give her up.

- Hehh

I put my friends first. No matter how much I love someone.

- Friendship first, huh.

Of course. Because I hate men or women who pick love over friendship.

- You're finally sounding more like a guy.

No, I'm always guyish (laugh)

- Next, do you have any secret techniques to capture a woman's heart?

That would probably start having to do with blood types again (laugh). But depending on what she said in a message or something, I can tell what she's trying to say. So as for messages, I would reply in an adult-like way. I wouldn't say anything that would make her mad.

- That's considerate. Then, what would you do to make the girl you like say "I love you"?

In the past I would call her and ask, "Do you like anyone?". But now I would try to make her jealous. I'd purposely look at other girls and be like, "Ah, that girl is really cute". Then she would go "Idiot! (jealous)". Like that?

- (laugh) That's pretty realistic.

But recently, I've been able to say it myself. More like Westerners do.

- So "I Love You"?

Though I wouldn't say it forcefully or anything. I would actually be pretty serious about it. Like, "Hey, sit down for a second......let's have some tea, too", pretty calmly. "Onegaishimasu" kind of thing.

- You'd do it properly, huh.

Of course. Then I would aim for silence. ........What the heck am I talking about?

- (laugh) I guess that you want to clearly express your feelings.

Compared to before, I think I've stopped bargaining so much when it comes to love.

- So it's better to confess honestly?

I think so. Well, depending on the circumstances.

- When you confess, or when you give presents, are you the type to set things up romantically? Like hiding a ring somewhere and aiming for suprise?

Ah, I do.

- You do, huh (laugh)

I'm pretty casual about it, though. For example, even if I was off that day I would say, "I have to work today~", and pretend like there was no way I had a present or anything prepared. Then, later on when we're getting ready for bed, I would take it out from beside the bed and be like, "Here", and throw it at her. Like, "I did it, you idiot".

- (laugh) It seems like there's some shyness too~ But wouldn't she still be happy after that, thinking "Ah, he did remember!"

Like, "Eh, what~?". ....If she said that it would piss me off.

- What, why (laugh) !

Whenever I give her a present, whether she cries or not decides whether I lose interest or not.

- Eh, so it's not good if she doesn't cry?

Even if she doesn't cry, I would just want her to be happy about it. Because there actually are people who would say, "Eh~ Something brand name would have been better~".

- That really is the worst.

Rather than something expensive, a letter, or...let's see...a hand-made scarf a guy made would have more feeling to it, wouldn't it. If they actually made one it would be pretty creepy, though.

- It's just an example, though

A girl I know apparently did just get a letter. Then she said, "I wanted something else". That's so unbelieveable....I wouldn't have expected anything, but isn't it nice just getting a letter?

- Or if they said, "I don't really like this brand~"
The day someone says that, I wouldn't be satisfied with just a body blow. Well, I would probably think that I just didn't have an eye for women.

- So presents are there when you want to express your feelings, then.

You want to see them happy, don't you. That's all it takes to make a guy happy. Yeah, it's love~

- Who are you trying to be (laugh)

It's wonderful~

- Then, the next question. Is there anything you think girls shouldn't say to a guy?

First, vulgar words are out of the question. That's the biggest thing. Also, if I was dating an older girl and she said, "Even though you're younger...", or if she was younger and said, "Even though you're older...". I wouldn't want her to say things that separate us like that.

- That's right. Going out means that you're equal, doesn't it.

Yes. Age doesn't matter at all. If she said that to me, I would respond like an adult.

- In what way?

A written complaint (laugh)

- So what about "Even though you're a guy"?

That's the same thing. I wouldn't like someone who holds that ladies first flag. For guys, even if we aren't told things like that, we'll still support the person we love. I wouldn't say things without delicacy, and I still want to protect her. But if a cockroach popped out I would call the manager.

- (laugh)

If it was just us and there was a cockroach, and it became a "What should we do? Run?" situation, then she said "Eh, but aren't you a guy?", I would close down. Like, "Well I am human". When people say "Even though you're a guy" or "Even though you're a girl", it just widens the gap between men and women.

- Another letter of complaint, huh

It means, "Let's meet in the courtroom".

- So what do you think is essential to loving someone?

I really think it's compassion. If you love that person you won't hurt them, and if you don't like being told something, you won't say it to them. I think it all depends on that. I would definitely say it to the person I like. "Don't say things to people that you don't like being told yourself". Also to not do something to someone that you wouldn't like being done to yourself. If there wasn't that kind of compassion, everything would be over. For example, if my girlfriend wanted to go out drinking with her guy friends and I said, "Okay, then I'll go with my girl friends", it wouldn't make sense if she said no.

- So basically you should think about the other person's feelings, huh. Your first priority should be to not make the person you love sad.

Right? You should think of that first....or that's what I've been taught.

- Regarding love, is it essential for your values and interests to be similar?

It's not essential. Because everyone is different. For instance, if we were watching the news and I asked her what she thought about an event so we could exchange opinions, and our values were different, I wouldn't care.

- Because it can be a lot more exciting if you have different values.

Yeah. I prefer them being different.

- But if you live together it might get difficult.

If she came over to my house, saw the interior and said, "I don't like this", then I would close down. I would think, "It's my house!". So if I lived with someone who had different interests, we would have different rooms. And we would talk about what to do with the living area.

- Then, if a girl you had no interest in said she liked you, what sign would you give her to show that you weren't interested?

I'd avoid the subject. Because you can tell by the atmosphere if you're about to be confessed to, right? If they become quiet for a second or something.

- I understand, yes.

At that time, when they start saying, "You know...", I would go, (holding stomach) "Owww!"

- (laugh) My stomach....kind of thing?

Yes, yes (laugh). That might really work.

- That could work!

And if I got a message saying, "I have something to tell you", I wouldn't reply. I would wait about two weeks.

- I guess there's nothing else to do, huh

Because I don't want to. Before hurting or not hurting them, I would hate myself for refusing when someone confessed to me.

- That's true, it is hard turning someone down.

Even though I feel like "Ah~ It's not like that!".

- But I'd feel bad for them if I said that.

I'd try my best not to say it. But if it turned into that situation, I would properly tell them, "I'm sorry".

- Yes. Then, next, do you feel that there is something beautiful in a love that never came to anything?

I do. There was one girl I liked. No matter how I think about it, I should have dated her. But at the time I just thought, "I want to be spoiled by a cute girl like this!". Those feelings got in the way, and before I knew it she was gone.

- "I was so stupid"

And then regret....it's still buried in the back of my mind as something beautiful.

- That's a nice story....When you're in love, everything seems to shine, doesn't it.

It does~ The way I talk even changes.

- So you get really cheerful

But that kind of thing actually wouldn't affect my lyrics. I still have more depressing kinds of lyrics.

- You write more about sad or painful things?

For me, those are good things. I'm glad I don't write about really happy things.

- Next, what do you think of continuing to think about one girl?

I think it's wonderful.

- Has that happened to you recently?

That's never happened to me.

- It hasn't, but...?

It hasn't, but....wait, what are trying to get me to say (laugh) Is this a leading question?

- Does it seem like an interrogation room?

Like, "I want to eat katsudon!"

- (laugh) Then?

But I'm jealous of people who wholeheartedly just think of one person. When I see a guy like that, I think the girl must be really great.

- So is it possible that you would become earnest in that way if you found a girl like that?

Of course it is. Because couldn't she then be the person I marry? Though I don't have any wishes to get married. But I do think that continuing to think of one person is wonderful. In order for that to happen, I would want to date a girl who I can talk about our future dreams with. To get married, live in this kind of house, have a dog, how many kids we want, with cool names....that kind of thing. If I could talk about those things with her I would start thinking, "I wonder if she's the one?".

- I see....

I want to be able to relax, after all.

- I think whether or not anyone is able to relax depends on you, though.

Hahaha! It does depend on me, but I can't control what's in my head.

- What was your result on the "Brain maker" that was popular a while ago?

It was "want".

- (laugh) !

Also, "food"

- So with that, here is the last question. What would your perfect relationship be like?

We could talk about anything, be able to fight, and make up after we fought, and we would think the same things are cute. For instance if it was a kid or a dog.

- Being moved by the same things is pretty important, huh

I think so. It's fine even if our values are different, but I would want our feelings to be the same. If I meet that kind of person....I might be able to continue wholeheartedly thinking about them.

- So at the end you've been able to calm down beautifully. I had my doubts at first.

At first I was talking about how I was before, in the past.

- You should emphasize that.

The adult-like me during the last half is how I am now. I'm really inconsistent, but I can't help that.

- So you're still like a little kid, huh

I'm still on active duty

- "Active duty" (laugh). So if you weren't you would get married, then?

It's like, if you become an eternally immortal person (by Nagashima Shigeo), you can write your name in my family registry, kinda thing.

- What's with that superior attitude!

No, if my partner became someone like that, it would be like, "Let's play catch together" (proposal)


cr: astraphileLJ

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